Nassau County Police Alarm Permit
All Nassau County residents served by the Nassau County Police Department must register their alarm system. The Nassau County alarm permit initial registration fee is $100 for residential and $200 for commercial. The permit will be valid for 2 years. Permits are non-transferable. You can apply online. Use this link for access to the Nassau County NEW alarm permit link.
Renewals are $100 for residential and $200 for commercial and are valid for 2 years. You can renew online. Use this link for access to the Nassau County alarm permit ONLINE RENEWAL link.

Any locations not registered will be accessed a fine for the first false alarm in addition to the alarm permit registration fee. Registered locations will be allowed 2 false alarms before they are assessed any fines. The phone number for the Nassau County Police Permit program is (516) 573-7862. Please check with your local jurisdiction to confirm permit requirements.

Suffolk County Police Alarm Permit
All Suffolk County residents served by the Suffolk County Police Department must register their alarm system. The Suffolk County alarm permit initial registration fee is $50 for residential and $100 for commercial. Annual renewals are $25 for residential and $50 for commercial. Permits are non-transferable. Use this link for access to the Suffolk County initial alarm permit application.
Any locations not registered will be accessed a service charge (fine) for the first false alarm. Registered locations will be allowed 2 false alarms before they are assessed any fines. The phone number for the Suffolk County Police Permit program is (631) 852-5276. Please check with your local jurisdiction to confirm permit requirements.
Queens County Police Alarm Permit
At this time there is no permit required for a residential home security system. Please check with your local jurisdiction to confirm permit requirements.
Fire Alarm Permits
Nassau County Fire Alarm Permit
All Nassau County homeowners that have a residential fire alarm as part of a home security system are required to obtain a permit from Nassau County. The fee is $90 every three (3) years. The permit can only be obtained for you from a licensed alarm company that has been registered with the Nassau County Fire Marshall. Their phone number is (516) 573-9870. You can renew your fire alarm permit online. Please check with your local jurisdiction to confirm permit requirements.
Suffolk County Fire Alarm Permit
At this time there is no permit required for a single-family residential fire alarm as part of a home security system. Please check with your local jurisdiction to confirm permit requirements.
Queens County Fire Alarm Permit
At this time there is no permit required for a single-family residential fire alarm as part of a home security system. Please check with your local jurisdiction to confirm permit requirements.