According to an old piece in Security World News, it seems that burglars do strike twice at the same home or business. There have been so many documented cases of homes being hit twice, sometimes months or even years apart that law enforcement officials estimate that a home that has been burglarized has a better chance of being hit again than a home that has never been broken into. There is a couple of reasons for this.
First, the burglar already knows the vulnerabilities of your house, including easy access points and where any burglar alarm systems happen to be. He or she also knows where you have your valuables.
The other reason that burglars might hit the same house a while after doing it for the first time is that he or she realizes that you have already replaced what he or she stole the first time. So the burglars will break into your house and steal the replacement item as well.
Of course, there are ways that you can thwart burglars, whether your house was broken into once or was never been burglarized. You can install secure locks on all of your doors and windows. You can install good burglar alarm systems that will make your home even more secure. Lock up valuables like jewelry in a safe.
Remember that burglary is a smash and grab operation. The burglars wants to get quickly into your house and take anything that is portable as quickly as possible before anyone notices him or her. If you make it more difficult, slowing him down, the burglar is likely to move on to an easier target.