There’s a reason that hard work is often referred to as “heavy lifting.” Lifting objects that are heavy is a difficult undertaking, and it is really easy to injure yourself if you aren’t careful in how you approach the task.
If you have a job that requires heavy lifting you should receive training on safe lifting practices. Even when your job doesn’t require you to lift heavy objects, life often does.
When you are lifting heavy objects here are a few things you can do to protect your back.
- Keep your feet spread a little wide, about a shoulder’s length distance apart. (If you put one foot slightly in front of the other this will help you maintain your balance.)
- Never bend at the waist when lifting heavy objects. Always bend at the knees instead.
- Do not twist to the right or the left while lifting or carrying anything heavy.
- Keep heavy objects close to your body while lifting or carrying them, don’t extend your arms out as this will put undue strain on your muscles and make balancing a struggle.
Be smart and stay safe.