When the leaves of the trees start to change color, the days grow shorter and winter looms on the horizon, most people start to dread the upcoming influenza season. One of the first tips to help avoid the flu this year is to get your annual flu vaccination. An annual influenza vaccine significantly reduces your chances of contracting the dreaded flu.
“Flu season” officially begins in October and continues into May. Here are several ideas to help you and your family avoid getting sick this year.
- Wash your hands regularly using soap and water or an alcohol-based ha
nd sanitizer.
- Stay away from people who are sick. Influenza is an airborne disease, so any time someone coughs or sneezes the virus is shed into the air through bodily fluid droplets. The flu laced droplets are highly contagious.
- Get plenty of sleep each night to help boost your immune system.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth when you are out and about. The flu germs are easily transferred from surfaces onto your hands and then passed into your body via contact with your mouth, nose or eyes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the flu virus can live on surfaces for at least 2 to 8 hours.
If you do contract the flu, contact your health care physician immediately. Numerous prescription flu antiviral drugs are available to help your body combat the infection and get you back on you feet.
If you are laid up with the flu, rest easy knowing that All Island Security, Inc is protecting your home and your safety. We care about you and your family. Please contact us for all your home safety needs.